Parasites 101: What Could Be Bugging You?

Woman holding a magnifying glass

Is Something Bugging You? 

9 Symptoms Indicating Parasites May Be the Root of Your Problem


If you are anything like us, you probably have assumed for decades that only dogs and cats could get parasites. Why? Here’s the scoop.


It is a standard practice in the United States and across the world to deworm puppies and kittens before they leave their mommas. When it comes to parasites in humans, it is time to think again. It is not commonly known that people are also susceptible to parasites. Not only that, but we are more vulnerable to them than most of us think!


Approximately 3.5 billion individuals across the globe currently have a parasitic infection. If that was not bad enough, most people go undiagnosed. As a result, their health concerns go unresolved, or even worse, the wrong issue is addressed.


Sometimes people will do a parasite stool test but if the parasite is in the lungs or brain or really anywhere else, the stool test will be negative and not indicative of the issue! Whether we like it or not, it’s time we start talking about parasites.


So, what in the world is a parasite?


A parasite is a living organism that lives in or on a host organism…like us! Parasites get their food from their hosts and take their nutrients, which is not good for them! Disgusting, right? Some of the most commonly known parasites are roundworms, tapeworms, flukes, scabies, hookworms, lice, bed bugs, whipworms and giardia. With that said, did you know there are actually 6 million identified species of parasites across the world? The likelihood of someone not coming across a parasite is slim to none.


How do people get parasites?


Unfortunately, these sneaky organisms, or what we call “bugs or worms,” can be challenging to spot, so it is essential to understand some of the most common ways we can be exposed to them.


  • Produce: This means parasites can be found on our unwashed fruits and veggies from our local grocery store or farmers’ market. We share this with you as a gentle nudge to make it a top priority to wash produce before biting into an apple or cutting into a head of broccoli or lettuce. We love using Thieves Veggie Wash to get off the gook and critters. A little bit goes a loooong way.


  • Undercooked Meats: We hate to break it to you, but our beloved sushi and rare steaks are top offenders for carrying parasites. If you are brave enough, we encourage you to Google parasites in meat. If not, that’s okay too! Just know that whether you see them or not, they may be hidden there. Does this mean you should never eat a steak? Of course not! Just know the more cooked it is, the less likely you’ll pick up a parasite. For sushi, you may want to stick to the cooked varieties; veggie rolls are a great option.


  • Contaminated Water: Thankfully, most of our water is treated before it comes into our homes, but this does not mean it meets our stamp of approval. We highly encourage you to find a high-quality filtration system, but that’s another can of worms! (Excuse the bad joke, but we couldn’t help it.) Walking barefoot in puddles and across the grass, especially where our pets use the restroom, will increase our potential for parasite exposure. Likewise, parasites can often be found in creeks and lakes.


  • Handling Soil or Waste Materials:  We love our home gardens! While growing your own arugula, squash or cauliflower is incredibly rewarding, it is essential to know the risks. Wear gloves for extra precautions when doing yard work or planting flowers and produce because many critters like to live there.


  • Weakened Immune System: Individuals with a weakened immune system due to a current health issue are more susceptible to parasites’ impact because their immune system is down. Those critters like to take advantage of the weak, which means the elderly and young children are also more susceptible to parasitic infections.


  • Working in Daycares or Institutional Centers: If you work in a daycare facility, hospital, or even an elderly care center, first and foremost, thank you for what you do. You play a pivotal role for many individuals who need support, making you extra vulnerable in return. The likelihood of you picking up additional parasites due to contact with bodily fluids is exponentially greater.


  • Working closely with Animals: Although our puppies or kitties were once dewormed, they, too, pick up parasites throughout their lives. Ever seen a dog eat dirt, leaves or even worse another animal’s poop? Yes, there are parasites in poop! What about animals who eat raw meat? Need we say any more? You get the picture.


Although many people commonly associate picking up parasites during international travel, you can now see how they are rampant throughout the United States. Our bodies have been exposed to the parasites we have in the United States for our entire lives. Therefore, we are accustomed to them. This means we don’t have the immediate and intense reactions to them like new ones that can be picked up during foreign travels. Whether we like it or not, they are here and are messing with our health.


What are the most common symptoms of parasites?


We always like to be honest with you and certainly don’t want you to freak out. With that said, we think it is vital for you to be educated to draw your own conclusions.


By now, you can see the likelihood of you having parasites is higher than you imagined. While you may not be experiencing significant symptoms yet, they can show up in different shapes and forms. For some people, parasitic infections are uncomfortable; for others, their symptoms seem normal, and they don’t question anything.


We want you to know the common symptoms so you can address them early. If not treated, one’s discomfort will continue to grow, and the number of parasites in your system will multiply more and more over time. Thus, the overall problem will become more significant. In addition to physical-related issues such as digestive discomfort and joint pain, parasites can also impact our mental health.


So, now that you know the hard, cold facts, let’s face the dirty truth. Below are 9 symptoms indicating parasites may be the root of your problem.


  1. Digestive Problems: Naturally, parasites like to live in our gut. As a result, they cause different symptoms for different people. Oftentimes, individuals will experience bloating, abdominal pain, gas, constipation and even diarrhea. Individuals with parasites in their gut are often misdiagnosed for food sensitivities or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome.) We recommend considering a parasite cleanse, which we will discuss below.


  1. Skin Issues: Yes, skin-related issues may result from a parasitic infection. This may show up in the form of a rash, eczema, hives or even ringworm, which is a well-known parasite. In addition, parasites can cause itchiness because they are known to lay eggs under the skin. No wonder the phrase, “Don’t let it get under your skin” came about!


  1. Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion: Parasites are sneaky little suckers. They like to be most active during the night while you are sleeping. So, if you find yourself unable to unwind or stay asleep, parasites might be the reason you’re feeling restless.


  1. Teeth Grinding: Parasites in the body release toxins, which impact our emotions. Your body tenses up when you’re stressed, worried or anxious. As a result, your body does not fully unwind at the end of the evening, which causes people to grind their teeth. In addition, parasites in the gut cause additional stress in the body.  And…. another piece of the puzzle is the gut and brain have a close connection via the vagus nerve.  So, there is speculation that the stressed gut sends signals through the vagus nerve which then causes individuals to tense up and grind their teeth at night.


  1. Muscular and Joint Pain: Did we say parasites are devious? Well, they are! They can invade joints and muscles and release toxins, which causes an inflammatory response within our body. Thus, we begin to lose range of motion and experience joint pain.


  1. Anemia: Parasites have to eat to survive. Therefore, they often feed off our red blood cells, which causes an iron and protein deficiency. As a result, we may feel extra tired because there is not enough blood in our body to regulate other bodily functions.


  1. Lack of feeling satisfied after a meal: Ever feel like you just cannot get full from eating? Or do you get hungry rather quickly after eating a big meal? As we mentioned earlier, parasites get their fuel from their host’s body, including the foods WE eat. Several types of worms feed off the food we eat, causing us to stay hungry because we are not getting all the food or nutrition we put into our body. Parasites especially like sugary and starchy foods, causing them to feed more off of those foods.


  1. Anxiety and mood swings: Craziest of all, parasites impact our mood and emotions. So, when we feel like our feelings have gotten the best of us, blame it on the parasites! It is well-known that the gut and the brain have a unique relationship. Since so many parasitic infections are within the gut, they impact the brain’s chemistry, which results in anxious feelings or even depression. Addressing parasites alone could have a substantial positive impact on our overall mental health.


  1. Headaches and Migraines: Parasitic infections have a major impact on one’s overall central nervous system, which ultimately impacts the brain.  The central nervous system sends messages to the brain when something is triggering its nerve endings.  Such triggers can be additional stress, food and odors.  The stress caused to the central nervous system by parasites results in headaches and over time can also lead to migraines.

Please note the above symptoms are just a few of the top symptoms related to parasites, but the list goes on and on. A few other symptoms that are worth mentioning are the following:


  • Bed wetting
  • Brain fog
  • Dark circles
  • Dehydration
  • Eye floaters
  • Fever
  • Fissures·
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nail Biting
  • Nausea
  • Vaginal or Anus itching
  • Weakness
  • Weight gain


Is this bugging you? Don’t worry! We are certainly not going to leave you hanging! Just know doctors are not talking about parasites. On the slim chance that a doctor actually runs a test for parasites in the body, they primarily test our stool.


There are more accurate forms of testing, like muscle testing. Remember we said parasites can be in our blood and joints? Well, they can be anywhere, including your heart, liver, brain, and even your eyes. The standard way of testing by doctors is only one snapshot. It does not test the entire body. This is why parasitic infections are so underdiagnosed.


You are probably asking yourself, “How do you know if I have parasites?” We can help. We both get giddy when we work with our clients to identify where parasites are in their bodies.


Through Quantum Nutrition testing, we check every system! Nothing goes unturned. It’s pretty fascinating! From there, we create a custom parasite detox that is unique to you. We’ll find the exact right supplements and the right doses your body will respond best to – safely and effectively.


Detoxes should not be a one-size-fits-all program because each of our bodies is unique. It is also key to detox parasites naturally. This is why our clients from all over the United States are seeing so many excellent results from their customized detoxes, and you can, too!


Check out our website at to schedule a consultation. It’s time to get rid of those symptoms… and parasites that are bugging you.



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